Monday, October 27, 2008

Rise and Shine: It's Muffin Tin Monday

It's Muffin Tin Monday again, but starting this week, MTM has a new home. Michelle at Her Cup Overfloweth is our new host and we are so excited to be able to continue to participate.

So here is our tin for this week. Breakfast!

Top row: orange juice, toast, cheerios, more toast
Row two: apple wedges, scrambled eggs, bacon, bananas
Bottom row: peanut butter for apple dipping, ketchup for the eggs(I know that's weird)


  1. I like that you included the silverware in the tin!

  2. We had muffin tin Monday today too for lunch!! It is so much fun and easy to do! My daughter was the one to finish the food in one of the 'muffins' and was so excited that her cup fit in it!!

  3. My kids put ketchup on eggs too. The weirdest I even heard was my grandparents putting maple syrup on their eggs. I'll stick to Franks hot sauce.
    Great tin!

  4. Very tasty - is there a breakfast theme? I am getting hungry!

  5. Very cute and fun idea. I'm sure your kids love it! Congrats on having a saucy blog!


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