Wednesday, October 22, 2008

These Trees Have "Sole"

When I worked in daycare/ preschool, a favorite book with all the children was Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. This is a very cute coconut tree to make after reading the book. Have fun!

First, I painted the trunk of the tree.

Next, the fun begins when you start painting little toes. Warning: giggling will occur, this is normal:)

Stamp your child's foot on the paper to create the top of the tree.

After you clean off your child's foot, make a few coconuts with their thumbprint.

Last, glue on a few letters and you have a "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" coconut tree.

Here is the book that inspired me. Check it out!


  1. so cute!
    i love your music! both my girls listened to that every night as newborns as i rocked them to sleep! it brings great memories! is it alright if i have that music on my blog too! you reminded me how much i love that song!

  2. Absolutely. Please put it on your blog:) When I worked in the baby room at the daycare, I rocked the babies to this too! It was so soothing it made me want to nap too.

  3. That is genius! I love this neice and nephew frequently ask me to "recite" it...Yes, I do have most of the book memorized and I don't even have kids! I think it is one of the top books for kids!

  4. Super cute! We were planning a handprint tree, but ran out of time. I think I like the footprint tree even better!

  5. Wow, we did the handprint tree. Isn't it a great book!

  6. Love this! So cute! Thanks for sharing!

  7. We did your tree last week! I will be blogging about it in the next couple of days, too. :)


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