Friday, November 21, 2008

Dear Wrestling Coach/teacher

I am very sorry you were disappointed by my son's decision to not wrestle this year. I'm not really sure why he wouldn't do it. Your recruiting technique was right on the money. I would jump at the chance to to wrestle for a man who called me a pussy in front of all my peers. Especially after all said peers reminded me throughout the day how you felt.
Well, I told my son that if they were short a wrestler, I would gladly suit up and wrestle YOU. You may think my son is a pussy, but you have not met Mama Cat!

The Lioness

P.S. The wrestling team sure did enjoy all the extra exercise they got from all the sprints you made them run for ratting you out;)


  1. The coach called him that? I'm sorry, that's not a man.

  2. And dear Sandy, I didn't buy the books. Thank God for libraries!

  3. Did the administration have anything to say about the situation? Holy hotness! I would have personally worn him out with my potstick! And they wonder why there are bullies in school.

  4. You go girl. I probably would have gone down there and punched him in the head. There's no place in the school system for Bully Teachers, even coaches.

  5. Grrrrr....that makes me so upset! My husband is a HS cross country running coach, and he sees stuff like this ALL the time. pitiful, just pitiful that grown men have to pick on high schoolers to feed their napoleon complexes

  6. Wow! That deserves more than an open letter on a blog. I wish I had your restraint...there would have been heads rolling if I heard something like that! Good for your son for realizing he didn't need to take that.

  7. What a jerk!! This is why there are bullies in school. What did the school do to him? Probably nothin'! That is not leadership! Oh, that makes me mad.

    Hey, on a different note, your letter was right above my letter. He He.

  8. You received a standing ovation for that one.

  9. Some men never grow up. They mentally STAY 11 year old boys.. what an ass!!!

  10. Oh how horrible! My son used to have a baseball coach that called them all girls every chance he got. UNTIL....they were forced to put a girl on the team... HA!

  11. Sandy,

    I absolutely loved this! Good for you! I've experienced some of the same sort of things from my daughter's cross country coach. She's been the #1 runner on her varsity team all year long, but he has chastized her for not running as hard at practice as he does...he ran in the US Olympic 2007 Marathon Time Trials!! He jumped on her and the #2 and #3 runners in front of everyone...she just almost quit the team because of it! He was WAY out of line! Some coaches just don't get it and really have no right to be coaching in the first place!

  12. Love the letter...and yuck extra sprints....maybe it's the outfit they have to wear that was his turn off....and the holiday music...definitely gets me in the spirit....thanks...stopping by via SITS...have a great weekend...

  13. I bet that coach wouldn't know what hit him. Never underestimate mama!
    Thanks for stopping by on my SITS day:)

  14. They need to get people like this out of the schools! So much for building self-esteem in young adults. Hey there, SITSta! Gotta Super-Duper Giveaway that's Goin' On over at my place...please stop by when you have the chance!


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