Monday, November 24, 2008

Some Bloggy Love For Me - Thank You

Mamarazzi from Dandelion Wishes has awarded me with the Butterfly Award! if you have not yet visited Dandelion Wishes, please do. Mamarazzi is great and you don't want to miss out on the fun! Thank you so much for the award. This means a lot and I really appreciate it:) So now I am going to pass it on to a few other bloggy friends. Junior Mints and Reeses, Tara in the ATL, and The Happy Mom .


  1. You. Are. Welcome. and thanks for the kind words...sooo sweet!!!

    (ps i don't know who created this award, but i love the butterfly)

  2. Hi Sandy...congrats on your beautiful great!!

  3. Congrats on the award and thanks so much for passing it on to me-it's my first award ever, so I'm super excited! :) I visited Mamarazzi's site, she's a funny blogger (and I kept trying to blow at the dandelions on the screen) :)


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