Sunday, November 30, 2008

We Visited Santa

Today after we went to church and had lunch with Nana and Poppy, we went to visit the "Big Guy". The girls were super excited all week about our trip to visit Santa. They went over their list repeatedly so they would not forget one single thing. Felicia made a fabulous picture for Santa and wore her special Santa sweater in his honor. Madelyn could not stop talking about him all day. She could not wait! When we arrived at Santa's Cottage, silence fell over our car. Felicia was really feeling "butterflies". Madelyn, of course, was grinning from ear to ear. She jumped out of the car with crazy excitement. Felicia thrust her drawing at me and said "You give it to him!" Of course, Madelyn marched right up the steps to his cottage and in she ran. She was on his lap smiling in seconds. She was so excited that the only thing she told him she wanted was a candy cane and a coloring book. Felicia would not go near him at all! So, I had to be in the picture too. She would not even look at the camera. Of course after we left, that is all she could talk about:)


  1. omgosh your blog looooks soooooo pretty! I LOVE it!!! when did u do this? and how do i steal errrrr borrow it....I am in awe
    LOVED the pix! wish my beans were small enough for santas lap...

  2. Awwwww-too cute!
    Im getting ready to FORCE my kids to see op!
    Love that your Santa has a "cottage!"

  3. What, your Santa is not in the Mall!

    Kids and Santa, I love it. We are going to try to visit Santa this year. Well, hopefully:)

  4. CUTENESS!! love the are so funny!


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