Monday, December 29, 2008

10 Honest Things About Me

Whitney, you know, That Girl, bestowed upon me an award last week. Along with it I was required to list 10 honest things about myself. I promised I would get to it this week, and because I am honest, here goes.

1. I love doing laundry. Even though I may grumble about the never ending pile. It 's relaxing to fold it and smell the fresh clean smell. Putting it away is another story!

2. I also like to vacuum! The sound of a vacuum is very relaxing.

3. At one time, I wanted to be a police officer. Funny, because now I'm like a kiddie cop. Hehe!

4. When I'm stressed, I bake. That could be the problem with my weight. LOL. Maybe I should do more laundry and vacuuming to relax...

5. I'm a recovering Pepsi addict. I was drinking 2 liters a day. I quit cold turkey! Yay for me! Hahaha! (no wonder I'm so darn tired)

6. I love to color in my girls coloring books. Even when they are not coloring.

7. I hate going to the mall! Gasp! It's just so much easier to shop online where I don't have to be bothered by other people.

8. I love pregnant bellies. Almost as much as babies. Too cute!

9. I have never been on an airplane. Maybe someday:)

10. I'm thinking about returning to the workforce. More to come on that.....


  1. I wish I loved cleaning! I hate it! I do it, but I hate it. And I am so psyched for you that you gave up Pepsi and I can not even believe you did that cold turkey. I need to do the same. Badly.

  2. Oh my goodness! I am also a recovering Pepsi addict! It's been 187 days for me. I had to wean myself slowly since I have been having a Pepsi nearly every day of my life since I was 9 years old. I was up to two liters a day at my worst plus at least 2-3 cups of coffee the same day. My caffeine intake was really, really bad. And I also bake when stressed. :)

  3. Love your list, Sandy! I LOVE to vacuum and do laundry...we must be sickos! lol Hope you have a great Monday!!!

  4. I love doing laundry...just hate to put it away!
    Baking is a great de-stresser for me, but trying not to eat all my goodies makes me more stressed :-) hahaha

    Great list!

  5. I am still a pepsi addict. If it is in the house, I drink a 2 liter. My husband will actually say to me before he goes to work, to leave some for him. I have been known to drink it all. I am not a sharer when it comes to pop. The thing is, when I gave it up for lent, I did fine. But as soon as Easter morning hits, I am cracking into the bottle.

    I also love pregnant bellies almost as much as babies. I WANT ANOTHER BABY! There I said it. Now, if God can work thru birth control....

    I hate cleaning, I am lazy, can't blame blogging on everything.

    Sorry for the long comment. I like commenting as much as posting:)

  6. I think I'm going to run out and buy me a coloring book and some brand new crayolas! Fun!

  7. Sandy,
    Laundry, vacuum, girl can I adopt you???
    I can keep you happy, happy!!
    Workforce, do tell!!

  8. I didn't read past number 1! I *can't* even be blog friends with someone who LOVES laundry! Oh Dear Lord! If you saw my laundry it'd be heaven on Earth! LOL

    I'm going to read the rest...


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