Tuesday, December 9, 2008

An Award! Thank You!

Yay! I was given another award! A great big thank you to Young Momma from Perfect Pen for bestowing this beauty upon me. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I really do appreciate all the love. Some days it's just what I need, and right now it feels good.

What does this award mean?

"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."

So here are the bloggers I choose for this award:

April @ Straight From The Heart
Annie @Junior Mints and Reeses
Jane @Jumpin' In The Jungle!!
Saundra @An Italian Mama Gone Crazy
Georgie@Decisionally Challenged
Alicia @Yaya Stuff
Kathryn@Ritch in Love
Vickie@Vickie's Scrapbooking and Tidbits

If you already have this award. that's ok. Just know that I really appreciate all of you:)


  1. Thank you for the award, Sandy. I will put it up as soon as I can. You are a great bloggy friend:)

  2. ht a lovely award to receive. It's these kind that i think I love the most because they are about character, rather than writing style. You should be very complimented :)

  3. ps Wow. Hope yo knew what I meant by that last sentence... great use of the english language on my part :)

  4. congrats on a really pretty award. It's nice to get the kudos! Love your snowy blog!

  5. Sandy,

    You are too sweet! I, actually, was given this award last week, but I'm going to add your name to my sidebar where I have it. Thank you so very much for thinking of me! Congrats to you, as well!

  6. Congratulations to YOU and all your friends too! I know, and love!, all but the first two peeps so I will have to go over and say HI!

  7. Congrats on that fun award!
    Thanks for coming by my blog! I love yours!

  8. What a nice blog! Thanks for visiting. :) How fun five children! I am one of five. :) We would love more however, our Creator has not agreed with our wish. Though I like your Lincoln quote and it applies.

  9. Thank you for the fun award! I was just stopping by to thank you for the birthday wishes and saw it!

  10. That's a cool award. Congrats on receiving it!


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