Monday, December 1, 2008

Muffin Tin Monday

Today there was no theme for Muffin Tin Monday so anything goes. I'm afraid our tin is kind of boring. But, here it is anyway:)
Top row: peanut butter, yogurt, peaches
Bottom row: celery, Ramen noodles, cheese curls
For more Muffin Tin Monday, please visit Her Cup Overfloweth!


  1. I am soooo a fan of ramen noodles!! and the celery and PB dip is a nice touch. How did it go over?

  2. They love it! Even Madelyn ate the celery today! We are making progress:)

  3. Boring!! That muffin tin looks yummy!! I haven't had ramen noodles since college. Miss them.

    Maybe my kids will eat if I put the food in a muffin tin. Uhm, must think about this idea.

  4. You are brilliant!!!! I love it!

    PS-tried commenting on Santa post on other blog but it wouldn't go through...

  5. Even "boring" is so cute and delicious in a muffin tin - they are magic!!! Love it!

  6. Hey, at least you did a muffin tin!! I keep forgeting about it.

  7. Great tin, Sandy! Isn't is amazing how the simplest lunch turns fun in a tin?! Love it!

  8. Muffin tins can make the most boring lunch fun - looks great!

  9. You're the 2nd person I've seen do this and it looks like so much fun! I need to head out and get two of those for my kids!


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