Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Day

Today we awoke to all schools closed. The snow had not started yet, but it began soon after. It's coming down rather quickly and I couldn't be happier. I LOVE SNOW! Thankfully, my kids share the same love and we are having a full blown SNOW DAY! We play outside until our fingers are numb and then we come in for hot chocolate. It is a great day. We'll be back to crafting another day, but for now we are going to play. JUST FOR FUN:)


  1. oh...i wish I could be there!! I love snow...all we have is some nasty rain!

  2. How fun! I'm jealous - they keep "predicting" snow in St. Louis, but so far we've only had a few dustings. Enjoy it!

  3. I do miss some of our fun in the snow! However, I don't miss all the cold. Maybe next year we can visit my relatives in the winter. My kids are really missing the snow. We used to make Snowman..... one year it was 7ft tall! :) Have fun for me!

  4. yippee! for snow!!! we love snow too!

    we have some on the ground right now and its not going any where!

    more snow saturday, tuesday wednesday and thursday!

  5. We also had a snow day! By 8 in the morning we had 6 inches of snow. It did not stop falling intil 2 in the afternoon. I think we got about 10-12 inches of snow.

    Funniy thing at 5 in the morning we got a phone call from the school and it scared the poop out of me. I laugh as I was trying to go back to sleep and I thought about your post from a couple of days ago:)

  6. Awwww-enjoy the snow!!
    ours went as quick as it came.

  7. I love snow days! My nephew had one the other day, so my mom watched Chloe and I helped my nephew and the neighbors make an igloo. So much fun! And hot chocolate is a definite must afterward. =)

  8. We are just a little jealous. But trying not to be - we have been making sand forts and sand balls at the beach!


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