Sunday, December 14, 2008

Where's The Remote Control?

Okay, I love Big Daddy very much, does he function when I am not around?! This morning, at 4:30 am (I was actually still in bed. I know weird, huh?) I awoke to him standing over me asking " where is the remote control?" I don't know about you, but mind is not exactly sharp until I have had large amounts of coffee and I WAS STILL ASLEEP! First off, I was upstairs when he left for work, not even watching TV. I had no idea where it was. Next, he wakes Aaron, who stumbles downstairs in a stupor to search for the remote control. He looks in the sofa, under it , on all the tables, in the kitchen. No luck. He finally goes to bed with Mike still grumbling and looking for it. Suddenly, Big Daddy comes back to the bedroom, remote in hand. He found it in the side table drawer.............Felicia hid it. She is one sneaky little girl. My only question is this, "Don't the buttons work on the TV anymore?" GEESH!


  1. Ha ha...nothing worse than to be awakened for something as silly as searching for a remote control. :) My hubby has woke me up out of a dead sleep to ask me for random stuff, too. Seriously?! I need time to wake up to think and process things.

  2. Too funny, Sandy! I, too, have been woken up for silly things like that. As far as the tv working without the remote, I wouldn't have a clue how to do it with all of the components Carl has hooked up to it! How sad!

  3. My boys play hide the remote often. Drives hubby crazy.

  4. That is hilarious! The phantom remote.....

  5. Oh I feel your pain!! My Big Daddy will also wake me up randomly to ask insane questions to a woman who is SLEEPING!!!!! And mine lost the remote to the TV but still had the DVR remote, blamed the kids for months, threatened to make them buy a new one, and then FOUND the remote stuck way down in the side of his recliner where HE put it!!!!

  6. That is hilarious! I think every since remotes were invented, the buttons on the tv's automatically are just for show right? I call my husband 'big daddy' too, hehe!

  7. Ugh. I can totally relate! My husband asks me where everything is. This morning he even asked me where the milk was. If I had had the remote it my hands at the moment I would have thrown it at his head. At least we're not alone in our plights with our husbands! :O)

  8. That is too funny. My daughter claims that it's a total guy thing. I will be looking in the refrigerator for something and swearing it's not in there while she's swearing it is. She will come over, move one item, and voila, there it is. It's true. A guy only sees something when it's right in front of his face. Hide it behind a bottle of ketchup and it might as well be 100 miles away. LOL

  9. That, actually, would be me. He He. We need the remote anyways. My oldest daughter, when she was about 2, kept pushing the on/off button and it broke. So we need the remote to turn it on.

  10. No Way! What is with hubbies????
    I would have been sooooo mad!

  11. Sandy,

    It must be a guy thing. My hubby gets in a panic mode if he can't locate the remote! I still remember when I was a kid and I was the remote! My dad would ask me to get up and switch channels on the TV. Times sure have changed!

  12. Trust men to do the smartest things! huh! men!

  13. What is it with those guys? I especially love it when my husband asks me where something is before he's even attempted to look for it.

  14. 4:30 am?!? for a remote?! I don't think I've been up at that time since I was nursing 10 years ago, LOL! That's too funny! :)

  15. You are so much nicer than me. I would have gotten up, found the remote and then hit him with it. No. 1 rule in my house - DO NOT wake me up unless the house is on fire. I don't play when it comes to sleep. LOL!

  16. L.M. Lion does that to me all the time about everything. I finally caught on that "Honey where's the..." is the same as "Could you get me the..." It's just a more obnoxious way to say it and it doesn't require please!

  17. First time reading here in your blog. This one's too funny that I just have to comment.

    Looking for a remote at 4:30??? lol! If it's my hubby, I've probably hand him the broom or a mop so he can reach the buttons.


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