Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wordless Wednesday-Madelyn's Manicure (courtesy of Felicia)

For more Wordless Wednesday visit MomDot!


  1. lol I remember those days! Super cute!

  2. Morning SITSa! Love the pic. Can only imagine :)

  3. OH, and our daughters share a similar name...:)but I spell mine Madeline. But Maddie is used pretty commonly around here unless the FULL name warrants it :)

  4. Oh No! I would have died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. That is funny! Looks like something my daughter would do. Happy WW! Mine is up.

  6. Oh no!! lol Those are beautifuL!!!

  7. LOL. Should you be grateful there was no pedi?

  8. If one didn't know what was going on you could really mistake that for an emergency room run! Beloved would have lost his mind. I of course would have handled it calmly with grace and poise (much like you did I'm sure)!

  9. LOL...I can say that since mine are no longer in that stage ;-) CUTE Pic!

  10. Lynette-Unfortunately, there was a pedi too:)

  11. Oh, wow. Be glad it wasn't a complete makeover with a haircut!

  12. That is so cute. Bless her heart! Being a boy mom, I can really appreciate that. We don't get to do manicures here much. :) Except for mama time. ;)

  13. Oh My Gosh!!! She looks so pretty! (I am saying this in a hillbilly accent)

    My oldest, when she was 1 1/2 was playing with a bottle of polish, while I was making the bed. I thought it would be okay the top was on tight, it was keeping her busy. Until I smelled was on the carpet and her. She had bang it against my bedside table. To make things worse, I had no remover. So we had to go to the store. I put mittens on her, so people would not think I was a bad mom and call Protective Services on me:) I learned my lesson. House chores can wait.

  14. My 2 year old does this every time we go to walmart. I have no idea how she finds those bottles of polish... Happy WW!

  15. Purple is my favorite color and considering the style and color array in her shirt, I'm surprised she didn't go that route.

    Perhaps try again?

    I'm just sayin'

  16. OK Sandy tell me, my girl is almost 3, is this what I have to look forward to?? LOL!!

  17. That is too cute! Happy Wednesday!

  18. ack! that is like a manicure made for Halloween! ha! Good thing she didn't paint her face with it (like what my daughter did!) .

  19. Beautiful, where do I sign up for one of those?

  20. Oh no! I'm sure that was awful to get off!

  21. Ooops!!! =)

    Your letter shall be...."T"! Have fun with it!

  22. That is SO funny!
    With no girls in my house, I'm not sure this will ever happen... especially since I don't paint MY nails very often!

  23. LOL thanks for dropping a note on my new blog! AHHH I love these moments. I think I will start a wordless Wednesday too! My 2 years olds just put all the hairbrushes in the toilet! YUCK!! BTW, your quote is one of my very favs at the top of your page!! Hope the polish was only on her precious hands! LOL

  24. Is that a SPA manicure or just a regular manicure. How much does she charge? I'd be interested!

  25. How ironic...take a look at my WordFUL Wednesday post this week -

    It is funny how quick they can get into messes like these. So cute.


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