This award was given to me by
my friend Vickie! She is the
kindest blogger I know!
Always there for me and always
the best friend I could ask for:0) Along with this award I am to list
10 Honest things about myself.
I'm going to put
a little twist on it and give you
ten honest reasons why I will never grow up! So here goes:
1. I would rather sit at the kids table during family gatherings. They are much more enteraining than adults:0)
2. I don't want my kids to grow up because then I would have no excuse to fingerpaint.
3. I still watch cartoons. Even if the kids are not watching them. The Flintstones rock!
4. I like to hang upside down on the jungle gym at the park. It makes my kids giggle!
5. I like to sneak up on people and jump out to scare them;0)
6. The toy section of any store is my favorite.
7. I love video games and I am pretty good at them too. It shocks my boys sometimes!
8. Sledding is the coolest! The bigger the hill the better the thrill!
9. I get a gumball out of the machine every time I'm at the mall!
10. I have a strange addiction to Little People. I keep buying these sets for my girls so I can play with them!
So there you have it! Ten reasons why I think I will never grow up! Life is too short to not act like a kid sometimes! So go hang upside down at the park for a while! But not with a gumball in your mouth! That would not be good! Have a great Saturday!