Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday Book Project-Harold and the Purple Crayon

Book projects do not have to be huge projects that take a lot of time. They can be very simple. Anything that gets your child involved in the book works!
Today we read Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson. This is such a cute book!
We did a super simple project that involves only a piece of paper, a purple crayon and some imagination. The girls made their own purple crayon illustrations and made up a story to go along with them. They loved it!
So find a good book and have FUN!
If you would like to do your own book inspired project, sign Mr. Linky below:0)


  1. Thank you so much! I love your book features and your blog!

  2. What a great idea! My daughter loves the show, and the book... I need to do this activity with her!

  3. My kids love "Harold and the Purple Crayon".

  4. I always loved that book! Great, quick idea!

  5. Great book! I just realized you have 5 kids! Wow. :-) Very impressed. Thanks for visiting me on my big, bloggy day!

  6. I have an award for you on my blog. Check it out when you have time.


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