Monday, February 2, 2009

I'm a Quitter!

Ok, you can call me a quitter. I don't mind, really! You see, today I finally decided to no longer provide child care for the family that I have been working for. It has been something that I have been thinking about for a long time. I love doing this for people. I am very fair with the amount I charge, I'm flexible, and willing to take all of the children when there is a school cancellation. The problem is, I often feel taken advantage of. I find it very disruptive to have someone call me late the night before they need me instead of giving me a notice. Every single Sunday, I get a phone call from the mother asking what the child needs. This is something that I tell her every Friday. I spend so much time explaining things over and over again to this women that it's like dealing with a child. If she has a day off because her child is sick, she calls me numerous times throughout the day asking how to care for her own child. I don't mind giving advice, but it is getting old! Anything from diaper rash to teething, fevers, vomiting, runny noses. You name it, I get a phone call. Not only do I get phone calls, but she is constantly dropping by for any number of reasons. Ugh! I have a family that I love to spend time with, but I get constant, silly interruptions for no good reason. Recently, she has been trying to get out of paying me. She always wants a refund if I have to call her when her child is sick and I have to explain my policy over and over again. I worked in daycare for 16 years. I know how it works! The single most frustrating thing is the constant string of lies. I have caught her in lies too numerous to count. I am an honest person and I expect people to treat me the same way. I don't think that is too much to ask. So, with no regrets, I AM A QUITTER!


  1. Sandy~
    Hold your head made the right choice for you and your family!

  2. Quitter...I don't think so...strong woman that won't be taken advantage of anymore sounds right. People have suggested that I watch kids in my house since I am a SAHM, but I have that fear of the above things that happened to you happening to me which is why I won't do it.

  3. You have to do what's best for you. I think it's absolutely fine to have made that decision.

    Will you still watch other children?

  4. Good for you! It really does sound like you were being taken advantage of. I'd be just as annoyed! Enjoy your much deserved (quieter) time!

  5. Congrats!!!! Good for you!!! You shouldn't have to deal with all of that! That's what doctors and advice nurses are for!!!

  6. Good for you! But don't toss in the towel completely, for every family that sucks, there is one that will appreciate what you do for them.

  7. Uhhhh. no... you are not a quitter... you are an adult who doesn't want to babysit a grown woman!

    What did she say when you told her? Dish!

  8. I would have never called you a quitter. I would have said, "it is about time you kick that woman to the curb!" :)

    Your time is important and if she doesn't want to follow the rules, bye. Good for you!

    It is the year of Hula!!!

  9. Good for you, Sandy! Sometimes you have to kick that birdie out of it's nest to teach it to fly on it's own! I say hooray for you!

  10. A quitter for a VERY good reason! That sounds a whole lot better, don't cha think?

  11. Not quitter, self-preserver.

    I know that my daycare provider says the worst part of the job is the parents.

  12. Good for you! I think its great that you did what was right for you!

  13. I don't think you are a quitter. Sounds like you put up with a lot of crap for quite a while. She was taking advantage of you and your good nature. Good for you!!

  14. What the heck?! She calls you on what to do with her kid?? Wow. She sounds lonely and immature.
    Good for you for not letting her walk all over you and or use you anymore. Like Saundra asks... What was her reaction??

  15. Since I do daycare, I can feel your pain! I hate feeling taken advantage of and luckily for the most part, my parents are pretty good. But, there are days....

  16. I just hope that momma reads your blog so she knows how ridiculous she is. But then she'll probably have to call you and see what to do about it! ;O)

    You DEFINITELY made the right decision!

  17. I wouldn't call that quitting - you were just putting an end to the insanity! It sounds like you made the right decision - she can see who will put up with her nonsense.

  18. Wow! You go girl. Seems like with all she has put you through you would have left long ago, at least that would have been me. Congrats to you for putting up with all that mess for so long. You saint! I not only think you shoulndt have any regrets, I think you should feel GREAT about it.

    Love and Prayers,


  19. sounds to me like you are doing EXACTLY the RIGHT thing! congrats!

  20. GOOD FOR YOU!! It sounds like you were being taken advantage of. Stand your ground and YOU ARE NOT A QUITTER!! You are making decisions that are for the betterment of you and your family!! (0:

  21. I'm so glad you quit!! Life is too short...who needs this kind of hassle. Now you've made room in your life for a much better client!

  22. My blood boils when I hear stories like this. I often feel taken advantage of by the mom whos little boy I watch. That is why I am giving my notice tomorrow!

  23. I'm on the SITS welcome wagon and thought I would drop in to say HI!

    Good for sounds like she was becoming dependent on you and definitely taking advantage of the situation.

  24. Well, it sounds to me like you made the very best decision. Sounds like the Mother needed you as a Mother herself ... she also sounds very useless and dishonest.

    You have all my support in this decision!

    Alison in France
    The Bernard Bunch

  25. That doesn't sound like quitting to me. That sounds like being smart and getting yourself out of a not-so-good situation.

  26. People don't understand how much work childcare is. My aunt is a provider and people try to take advantage of her all the time. She will even keep kids on the weekends and when it is time to pay the parent always has an excuse.

  27. Whoo hoo! Yeah! Good for you for standing up for yourself and getting out of a crappy situation!

  28. Good for you! That said, it sounds like you need to put your policies in writing and keep extra copies on hand for idiots like that woman.


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