Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Some Sweet Family Time!

The past few days have been very busy, but it's all good! Mike has actually taken a few days off. This is very unusual for him because he is such a workaholic. He has spent some time catching up on the sleep he has been missing and we have been spending a lot of time together. We have not really had much time like this in the past few months, so it was very refreshing. It really makes me wish that he did not have to work so hard. Yesterday, we had to take Aaron for his PSSA tests. Because he is doing Cyber School, we had to take him to a hotel where he could be tested with other students in the area. That left the whole morning open for Mike and I to spend some time with the girls. We went shopping together and out to lunch. After picking Aaron up, we all took advantage of the unseasonably warm temperatures and went for a walk. We even went to Michael's bus stop to embarrass him when he got off the bus. It worked! LOL! I love those silly little moments with my family and I am sad that Big Daddy has to go back to work tonight:0( We will all miss that extra time with him!

Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry.

-Tom Mullen


  1. I've never heard of cyber school! You must explain it!

  2. Treasure these moments.... life is too short!

  3. Sounds like you have had some wonderful family time.

  4. I'm glad you guys had fun!! What's cyber school though?

  5. That was so sweet!

    Hugs and Mocha,

  6. Very sweet. Gotta enjoy the little moments.
    Love the Tom Mullen quote.

  7. Glad you're having some good family time!

  8. Sounds like you have the perfect Valentine! Have fun!

  9. That is a true quote.

    I'm glad you got that time with your husband. It's the breath of life. :)

  10. I really like that quote at the bottom of your post.

    I'm jealous of your alone time with your hubby! If only there was room for that in my world!

  11. That's great! I'm glad you got that quality time together. Sounds like a wonderful day!

  12. OK what's cyber school??
    Glad Big Daddy was able to spend time with all of ya'll!


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