Thursday, February 5, 2009

Think Thin Thursday

It's THINK THIN THURSDAY! YAY! I can't believe that I am getting so excited about the day that I must learn whether or not my hard work is paying off! Well, so far it is! I have lost 7.5 pounds! I feel a lot better about myself. I know I can achieve my goal!

This week I faced the challenge of the Superbowl. I was worried, although I did eat some wings and a bit of chips and salsa, I did not have a pigfest like I usually do. The good thing is that the game was so good that I was more focused on that than snacking.

This week's task is to share our favorite low cal dessert. Well, I have still not tried any of the low cal ice cream. My favorite dessert right now is fresh fruit salad. I get all the sweetness I want and I don't feel guilty about it! Sometimes I put a little Lite Cool Whip on top. Yummy!

My mini goal for the week is to continue on with the plan I am on and to lose 2 more pounds!


  1. You are doing great! I need to have a plan after I have the babies. You should be very proud of yourself!

    Hugs and Mocha,

  2. Sandy~
    I am so very proud of you, girl! You are such an inspiration! You've shown others that you can do whatever you set your mind to! Way to go...and remember...keep on keepin' on!♥

  3. Congrats Sandy! You are making a great progress. Keep up the good work!

  4. YAY sandy!!!! WTG that is sooooo awesome...all these success stories are really starting to motivate me!

  5. Yippeee! You are really keeping me motivated! Congrats!

  6. Congrats on your success. That is great!

  7. Woo Hoo, Sandy!!! Wow, you are doing great! I am so impressed and proud of you! Keep it up!

    Now, give me some of that motivation and drive:)

  8. You are doing GREAT! I'm glad you still ate at the super bowl party. That makes it more of a life style change than a diet and that will make the weight-loss permanent.

    My husband loves fruit salad with cool whip. He also loves strawberry shortcake, because you can make it with the fat-free/super low-fat angel food cake, strawberries, and the fat free cool whip.

  9. you are doing great Sandy!! Since we have been moving it has been alot of eating on the go for me...and it is the week before that dreaded week!! So...i am not even weighing in today!!

  10. That's great! I think I'm down about .5 pound this week but with company this weekend and the SB I'm pretty happy about that! Every little bit helps you know.

    Keep up the great work!

  11. Way to go Sandy!! That is great. The Superbowl wasn't as hard for me as I thought it would be. It probably helped that we didn't go anywhere or have any extra company. LOL

    I am thrilled for you! Keep it going, I know you can!!

  12. wow, congrats on the 7.5 pounds. way to go!

    i was derailed by the superbowl (preceded by a night out and followed by my oldest's birthday) oops!

    hello from a fellow welcomista!

  13. That's awesome! You WILL achieve your goal!

  14. Way to go YOU!! That is AWESOME! I am soon to start mine too and will let ya know how it goes. keep up the good work, Im pulling for you.

    Love and Prayers,


  15. Good For You.....7 1/2 is a lot...and I know you can do it...and Superbowl was awful for me...but then again...every weekend is awful for me....

  16. Yay you!

    Lately, instead of ice cream for dessert I'm having yogurt w/ granola mixed in, yum!

  17. Congratulations, that's an awesome number!

  18. Another great week, thanks for keeping us updated!

  19. WOW! You are doing such a GREAT job! I think you just motivated me to get movin' again!

  20. WTG on the loss and on doing well at your Super Bowl party! Keep the momentum going...

  21. Kudos, on doing good good during the Super Bowl!! And I so LOVE fresh fruit salad too!! Congrats on your success so far and good luck next week!

  22. Good job! I need to get my butt in gear too. Thanks for stopping by to welcome me to the club.

  23. Wow! You are doing great! Keep it up. Thanks for welcoming to the club!


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