Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Bit of This and That

Today under this gorgeous blue sky...

the "littles" played follow the leader,

and danced.

The "bigs" worked hard building a new sidewalk...

and spoiled babies! (He's looking at her that way because his Mommy told him not to let us spoil him:0) Oops!)

Again we had a great weekend! Except for the "falling off the wagon" part! That's okay! Tomorrow I will get back on:0(

Aaron has more PSSA tests for school this week, so Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we will be away for a bit. The best part about it is, the area where he has to test is a great place to shop. I will try to do my best to stimulate the economy:0)

Oh yeah, I won another prize from the Spring fling! I won a three month membership to from Screaming Mimi! The girls are really going to love this:0)

RollMy very best blogging buddy Vickie from Vickie's Scrapbooking and Tidbits gave me another award! She is the kindest and most loyal person a gal could ever meet:0) thank you Vickie! You put a smile on my face again!

As you can probably guess, I have been very busy lately just being a mom. I am sorry that I have not gotten around to all your blogs or responded to some of your comments. I really do appreciate all your kind words. I am hoping to get caught up again this week:0)

Have a great week and just enjoy life!


  1. Sounds like fun. Have a great time. Oh, and buy something nice! :-)

  2. Have fun with your Jumpstart prize!

  3. Yay for winning another giveaway! You are on a roll! Congrats on your your sweet pics!

  4. Sounds like you had an enjoyable weekend. Enjoy shopping.

  5. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend!! If you have to fall off the wagon - chocolate is the way to go, lol! Hugs!!!

  6. Congrats on being the FB over at BSU! And yeah for you for winning that Jumpstart prize! That sounds awesome! Happy week to you!

  7. Congrats on winning another giveaway!

    Cute pictures too! =)

  8. Looks like you're having a fabulous time! I think we're all trying to get caught up!

  9. I bet you will be pleasantly suprised on Thursday. I always seem to lose weight when I think I'm being bad.

  10. Top Blogger? Do tell! Sounds pretty exciting!

    I fell off the wagon too. Hard. Dang it.

    It's been hard for me to make my bloggy rounds too. I'm trying to catch up but it's so hard when you get so far behind!

  11. Congratulations on being Top Blog! You definitely are a top blog to me!

    I love the cutie pie's look of surprise!

    It's in the air! We are all playing catch up, it seems!

    Congrats on your Gold Star!

  12. You always say nice things:) Since my computer virus, it seems I am always playing catch up. That was three weeks to a month ago! This past weekend I wasn't on much, that really put me behind.

  13. I have been moving on down the front page reading your posts. Simple yet fun stories; I have enjoyed my time spent. Your pictures are cute as well.

    Oh and....Congratulations on your day in the SITS sun. I hope today is a beautiful day for you.

    Hmm.....which way to go?
    Newer Post < ---------- > Older Post


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