Friday, March 27, 2009

I Survivied Kindergarten Registration!

I made it through. No tears from either one of us. Felicia was so excited to go to the"big school". I really tried hard to keep my reservations about sending her to myself, because really, who wants to squelch such enthusiasm. When we arrived, her nerves began to show a tiny bit. When asked to write her name on the name tag, she wrote the whole thing backwards. Perfect mirror image. The two eighth grade girls that met us at the door appeared to be more nervous than any of us. I was feeling better at this point.

Felicia was taken into the nurses office for her hearing and vision screening. She failed her vision screening. What? I know she has good vision! They decided to try again after her other screenings. Off she went! She was so brave! I filled out paperwork while I giggled with the school nurse that I have known forever. She could not stop talking about the little boy that had arrived a few minutes earlier. He refused to do any of the screenings and actually ran out the front doors where the buses were lined up. Thank God he was not my kid! The father just sat back as the nurse (who is no Spring Chicken) ran after him. She was so proud of herself and loudly stated that she is ready for grandchildren! Hehe! She could not wait to go home and tell her hubby that she could still run!

After what seemed like hours, my "big girl" came walking down the hallway ever so slowly. You see, we reminded her before we went that there is no running in the hall at school. She was practicing. The teachers and aides all giggled at the sight of her walking at a snails pace. Her vision screening was repeated and as I suspected, she CAN see;0)

We then left the building together, she did not hold my hand, for she is a registered future kindergarten student. She instead, walked proudly, wearing her new backpack filled with goodies to work on over the summer. She is growing up....and I guess I'm okay with that:0)


  1. Whew, I know that was hard!!

  2. No tears? You're way stronger than I am! I boo-hoo at the drop of a hat, anymore, but especially when it comes to my girls! So glad all went well...I know she's going to do just great!

  3. Sorry, I'm getting a little misty here. I know I've been through it once already but I may have to do it again this year which means only one more at home. I don't know if I can do it.

  4. Awe!!

    Our registration is nothing like yours. Most of the kids are tested while in preschool. Our registration is just the parents and we hear the blah, blah, blah and fill out tons, I mean TONS, of paper work.

    The week before school starts they have a meet and great session with the kids and kindergarten teachers. When I did it with Lindsey, I was getting a little misty eyed. My first baby was going away.

  5. What a big girl she is! It never gets easier to watch them grow up, does it?

  6. "After what seemed like hours, my "big girl" came walking down the hallway ever so slowly. You see, we reminded her before we went that there is no running in the hall at school. She was practicing."

    That is the sweetest thing EVAH!

  7. btw, I changed the name of my weight loss blog.

    It is now:
    My Weight Fight

    I had started it in November and it is beyond the 40 days. Besides, it was to freakin' long!

  8. Awe! Now let's see how you in September! :)

  9. You're far more courageous than I ever was.

  10. Awww
    Brings back fond memories :o)

  11. Registration was fine for me, too. It was the orientation, meeting the teacher, buying the school supplies, the practice bus ride, the REAL bus ride, buying new school clothes, thinking about the first day, the anticipation... and don't even get me started on the ACTUAL first day! Oh boy. And I still have two more to go!

  12. I am so glad that you survived because I feel like I never will get to that point!

  13. You have to be o.k. with it, you don't have any other choices. LOL

  14. The mere thought of kindergarten registration makes my heart ache...I'm not ready for my boys to grow up!

  15. Awww Sandy, I'll have to come back and ask you to hold my hand while I send off Lil Rambler to school.



    Thanks so much for visiting me on my SITS day :)

  16. I registered Cole this week too! SO CRAZY!

  17. She wrote her name backwards?! Hahahaha!

    And walking at a snail's pace-that is so cute!

    Glad you survived!

  18. Sounds like a momentus occasion!!! Bella had to do all that stuff already for preschool, so we're good to go for kindergarten. I can't believe our little ones will be going to Big School already.

    I'm *mostly* ok with it.

    This was a terrific post, as usual!!

  19. You know, it's a great experience when the kiddo is happy, excited, and ready for it. It actually feels good to know that your child is growing up and happy to be doing so. :)

  20. Good morning! Checking in from sits.

    Sock Monkey

  21. Aw. I went through this with my little big girl last year. I did not make it through without crying though. :)

    (Just stopping by from SITS)

  22. Visiting from SITS. Ah, the joys of parenting!

  23. It is a bittersweet time. My daughter will start preschool next year, and I'm afraid I will cry!

  24. Oh girrrl! You are OK with it until the FIRST day of school! LOL Wait. Maybe that's me.

  25. Good for her for being such a big girl! And good for mom too.

    I have 2 more years before Vivi goes, she's born in Oct, so she'll be almost 6 when she goes.

  26. Yay! I think I will be very sad when Hannah starts kindergarten. And yet, very happy. ;-)


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