Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Dirty Little Secret!

Today I received a cute card from my friend Whitney. She is so kind and she knows me so well! While I was reading it, my son was reading over my shoulder, when I heard him gasp.

"Mom, how does she know that we have a mountain of laundry?"
I immediately burst into laughter! I said, "Aaron, it's not like it's a dirty little secret!"
"What? You mean you tell people that stuff?"
"Of course I do. I blog about real life. They know everything about me."
"Are you kidding me?! Do they know that I have wart on my hand?"
They do now;0)

So here is a current picture of me, if you look ever so closely, you can see my very stylish boots sticking out from under said laundry mountain!


  1. Ok.. I LOVE this because a few weeks ago a
    "certain spoucal maternal figure" got mad at me because I posted on MY blog about MY stepson getting in trouble at school and getting detention & sent to the Principal's office in one day. Good grief! I mean really! Do you care? No! Do your kids do some of the same things? Probably!

  2. oh you poor girl, crushed by laundry!!

  3. Too funny! I almost choked on my soup when I saw this!

  4. LOL!!!! They do now!!! Love it!

    I think our laundry piles were twins separated at birth:) But mine never squish me. Bad laundry.

  5. Now thats funny right there!

  6. I haven't gotten to the mountians of laundry stage yet, but do fear them greatly! I have baskets to do....that if left unfolded, do turn into quite a pile. Maybe a molehill...

    Hope someone rescued you quickly!

  7. Hilarious! But honey, that's just a mole hill compared to my laundry!

  8. That is some kind of laundry mountain you have going on there...wowza! I might just cry me a river if I were in your shoes! lol!

    Isn't it funny how we get on our blogs and tell the entire world about everything that's going on...the good, bad and ugly? For me, it's very therapeutic!

  9. I love your mountain. I hope you can dig your way out.

  10. LOL. that's too funny.

    For the record, I loathe laundry. Seriously, it's my arch nemesis.

  11. I am looking at a mountain of laundry too!! Well o.k. I took a break to blog! It grows every hour, I can't keep up!:-)

    Have a great day!

  12. Glad I'm not the only one! Thanks for visiting and commenting!

  13. Every mommy's gotta climb that mountain! Mine is endless! Cute post!

  14. Oh no! The laundry mountain slid down on top of you!!!! Cool boots!

  15. Oh my goodness! That was hilarious! Those are some fancy boots underneath that mountain. :)

  16. Lovin your boots!!! And I thought my laundry pile was bad..well actually it's also spread out around the house in various places..lmao! :)

  17. Oh my word! That is hilarious!
    Tell him - read the blog=know everything.

  18. oh no! smashed to death by laundry! isn't it amazing how that stuff just keeps getting dirty? i swear i empty our basket and before i can turn around it's full again! thanks for the giggle!

  19. p.s. isn't it awesome to get mail! yay to your friend for keeping the snail mail love alive!

  20. You're so brave to get under that pile of laundry. I know boys make some pretty stinky laundry!!


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