Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sorry I've Been Absent!

This past week, we have been trying to do a lot more playing outside and going for walks. We had been cooped up way too long over the winter. I hope to get back to regular posting tomorrow and I promise we will have Friday book projects again on Friday:0)


  1. Looks like fun! We were hoping to hit the playground yesterday but its been raining here for two days... Not that I should complain we need it.... Enjoy the nice weather!

  2. Yippee for nice weather! All mom's can relate to play days outside.

  3. Hey, don't worry about it. Playing with your kids trumps blogging:)

  4. can't blame you it is that time of year, we've been outside more also. Enjoy, the sprigy days:-)

  5. Hello, visiting from SITS. Have a great day.


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