Thursday, April 16, 2009

Home Sweet Home

We are finally home from our impromptu vacation at my parent's house. Things are slowly moving along with the remodel. I wish it was done already! It is coming together and I am feeling a little more at ease knowing that it is not in danger of collapse.

Easter was great! We had a get together at my parent's house and it was nice to spend the day with family.

It's finally warming up here and I am thrilled to be able to play outside with he kids. Maybe Michael will even get a baseball game in. Many of them have been cancelled because of rain:0(

Do you know how hard it is to live without the computer for a whole week? Torture! I am so glad to be back home in bloggy land:0) I will be very busy catching up on blog reading. But I promise I will be back in the swing of things soon!

Sorry if that was a bit random, but that's how my life is. You never know what tomorrow will bring!


  1. I feel so incomplete without access to my email, blogs and such! Welcome home!

  2. Welcome back to bloggy-land! ;-)

  3. Welcome back. I was wondering where you've been!

  4. I would die without my computer for a week! Glad you are back

  5. So glad you had a fun time, Sandy, and that you enjoyed your stay! Welcome HOME!

  6. The things we sacrifice when we leave home without internet :)

    Missed you and hope you and the family had a wonderful Easter.

  7. I've missed your posts! =) For the last two days we've had TONS of rain...warm & sunny weekend coming, cant wait!

  8. Welcome back, I am glad you are home!

  9. Glad to see you back:) It does suck to go without internet.

    Hugs and Mocha,

  10. Gald you had a good time, but I'm more glad you're back!

  11. I'm glad your home remodel is working out and that it WILL all work out! That's great news! Enjoy the nice weather; it's going to be so great coming from all this rainy, chilly weather!

  12. Heeellllooo Sandy!! Glad you are back. It is warming up here too. Maybe in the 70s tomorrow.

  13. I'm glad you are back home and back in bloggyland! You've been missed!

    I don't know what I'd do without my computer for a week. Probably visit the library every day. Not for books...for free internet! LOL

  14. Glad you had a nice Easter and welcome back!


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