Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Thursday

It's been a while since I have participated in Thanksgiving Thursday, but that does not mean I don't have a lot to be thankful for. So here are a few things that I am thankful for this week!

*My hubby! He has been working hard as usual this week, even picking up some extra work so that I can continue to stay home and be with the kids. I love him!

*The gorgeous weather! Although, it is cooler and cloudy today, the past few days have been fantastic! It has given us all a chance to enjoy the outdoors more and there is nothing better than the smell of lilacs in bloom!

*My parents! They have been so great during our remodel, letting us stay there for a while and by putting up with all of my laundry until the laundry room is finished.

*My boys! They are really turning into hard working young men just like their dad:0) Michael has been taking care of all the yard work here, while Brandon mows grass for my parents and grandparents. Aaron, put in a lot of hours doing cement work with his dad this week. He was a big help!

*My girls! They are the comedy relief that we need around here! They are hilarious!

Those are just a few things that I am thankful for this week! What are you thankful for?


  1. Nice list - we have been having some really good weather around our parts too! Makes me happy to see the sunshine!

  2. I am thankful for 15 years of marriage today! And my bloggy friends, of course!

  3. What a nice list today. We just left a very sunny and warm FL yesterday to return to a soggy gloomy cool WI. The sun just poked through the clouds and brightened my day!

    Hope yours was great!

  4. Aw, how cute!
    I would love all of the same things, if I had them.
    I do love my parents though. My mom takes care of anything I need.

  5. Great list! Perfect!

    Happy Thanksgiving Thursday!!

  6. Good list, Sandy!

    I am thankful my husband deals with my sloppiness.
    That my kids are pretty much healthy.
    That my husband has a job.

  7. These are wonderful things to be thankful for! Thank you for stopping by my blog. :)Lisa

  8. It must feel so good that your boys are learning how to work hard. It's nice to see little boys to grow up and become real men. :)


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