Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bath Time Paints

With summer activities in full swing, we have been collecting our fair share of dirt! These girls like to dig for worms, make mud pies and collect rocks just like their big brothers always did. They don't, however, want to stop their play to come inside for a bath! So, when the day is done I must wrangle to two dirt collectors in to scrub away the grime. But, I have found a new tool to make this process a bit easier....bath paint! It's very simple,

2 TBS. liquid soap or baby bath
food coloring

Mix it together and allow your little ones to paint a masterpiece on the shower walls! When they are finished, just rinse it down the drain! Bath time suddenly has become a whole lot easier:0)


  1. Wow! I'm so glad there are people like you in the world. This is so simple, but I never would have thought of that. My kids will love it!

  2. Great idea! We've done paint with shaving cream before, but this looks like it might work better. We'll have to give it a try.

  3. We love to make homemade bath paints too. Fun!

  4. Fantastic idea, I will definitely be using this one!!

  5. Such a fun, easy to make idea! thanks so much!

  6. Thanks for the simple recipe, I need some creative ways to get my kids into the tub with less of a fight!

  7. Lets hope I can do this. Last time I tried to leave a message and my computer said Operations Aborted.

    Cool idea. I used Crayola Bath Crayons once and I had to scrub it off. This looks easy to take off.

  8. what a cute blog you have!!! tnx for stopping..have a great weekend!!

  9. Great idea! I can't wait to give it a shot.

  10. :::slaps self in forehead::: What a really easy, and inexpensive, way to make bath paint. I think I may try that at school today! (Visiting from SITS)

  11. Fun! Does the coloring come off easily and not stain the tub? I've never tried anything like that before. Great idea!

  12. Thanks for this - would definitely work well with a mucky wee 4 year old I know!

  13. What an awesome idea.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  14. This looks like so much fun. Thanks for sharing this.

  15. The kids I nanny for love bath paints~

  16. cute and very innovative!!

    PS. Stopping by from SITS.
    4 fabulous giveaways@http://energizerbunnysmommyreports.blogspot.com/

  17. Hi Sandy!
    Stopping by from SITS! Thanks for visiting my blog! Your blog is adorable. I love the header! What a great site ... wish I'd known this little soap trick when mine were younger! ;0) I'm now following!

  18. That is really cute!

    thanks for visiting my blog :)

    Penelope's Oasis

  19. Hi there!
    What a great idea! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  20. Wow, I can't wait to try this.

  21. wow!!! it's really a great idea!!!
    thanks for sharing...i love to try it by myself

  22. I am so trying this tonight! I have leftover food coloring in the cabinets I can use for this.



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