Wednesday, September 9, 2009


After taking a break for most of the summer, we are now getting caught up on our alphabet book. Our next letter is P so today, we made Pp-Pony!

1. Cut out a letter p and glue it to a piece of construction paper.

2. Trace your child's foot with their shoe on.

3. Cut out the traced foot and glue it to the paper along side the P. Be sure to point the toes down toward the bottom of the paper. I also added another small piece of paper in the shape of the pony's neck.

4. Add details to your pony and you are all finished!


  1. This is sooo cute! We just started P this week, so we've got to do this!

  2. We did it! Come check ours out if you want to, here. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. These are adorable. We just love this idea. We'll be linking up at, please stop by and visit us.


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