Monday, November 30, 2009

Hooray, It's Muffin Tin Monday!

Once again, it's Muffin Tin Monday and my girls are very happy about that! They seriously would eat every meal from a muffin tin, and why not! It's so much fun! You know, I eat my lunch from a muffin tin on Mondays too! So here it is, our muffin tin lunch!
If you would like to participate please visit
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

Friend Making Monday

It's time once again for another edition of Friend Making Monday with Amber at {aefilkins}! I had so much fun doing this for the first time last week, so I though I would play along again. It's a great way to "make friends"! So, here we go!

1. Favorite website Well, I am a complete blog addict! So I would have to say my favorite is blogger, but I am also on Facebook quite a bit too!

2. Favorite color Green!

3. Facebook? {Post a link or share your name if you want some new Facebook friends!} I love Facebook and would love some new friends! Please join me here!

4. Favorite Christmas song? Silent Night! I cry every. single. time. I hear it!

5. Christmas tree: Real or fake? Real! We like the whole Griswald experience! Taking all the kids out with us to cut it down. They always look so much smaller in the field!

6. Hottest celebrity? I have to say that I have a slight crush on McDreamy!

7. Favorite restaurant? I don't really have a favorite! We don't eat out much, so any restaurant is good enough for me! LOL!

8. Favorite magazine? Family Fun! They have so many awesome things to do with your kids!

9. Favorite thing to drink around the holidays? Hot chocolate with a candy cane to stir it! Yum!

10. Favorite Christmas movie. I love the Polar Express! But the movie that always kicks off our Christmas season is National Lampoons Christmas Vacation! It still makes me laugh after all these years!

Now it's your turn! Head on over to {aefilkins} to make some new friends!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Are You In Need Of A Turkey Craft?

Today is going to be a very busy day for us! We have pies to bake, cleaning to do, and all the other prep work for tomorrow's big feast. Not to mention, making a few turkey crafts to decorate for our guests. If you have some time, here are a few links to some of the turkey crafts we made last year! Have fun!

Turkey Hats

Monday, November 23, 2009

Friend Making Monday-Thanksgiving

 I decided to do something new and participate in Friend Making Monday hosted by Amber at {aefilkins}! Today it's all about Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday)!

1. Turkey or Ham? Turkey, of course!

2. Favorite side dish., sweet, mashed potatoes....oh, I like them all!

3. Favorite dessert. Pumpkin Pie!

4. Black Friday: Are you going or not? You bet! I love the rush!

5. If so, what's on the top of your list? I'm not sure yet. I guess it depends on the best deal!

6. Going out of town or staying close to home? Staying home!

7. Hosting or helping? Hosting! My parents come every year!

8. Name one family tradition at Thanksgiving. Watching the Macy's parade on TV and throwing candy to the little ones!

9. What do you do after dinner? Watch football, play cards, and nap!

10. What are you most thankful for this year?  My family! I would not be who I am without them!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I Just Can't Wait For Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday! Being together with my entire family, making a fabulous feast, and of course watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade on TV is the best! Here is a little video from a Thanksgiving past!

I wonder how long we are going to be able to get away with that;0)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009