Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cotton Clay Snowman Sculpture

Brr, it has been so cold outside! Even though there is snow on the ground, it is much too chilly to go out and make a real snowman, so we made one indoors! We have used many different clay recipes, but this is the first time we tried this one. It's made with cotton.

Here's what you need to make it:
3 cups of cotton balls
2 cups of water
2/3 cups of flour

To make the clay:
1. Tear the cotton into tiny pieces.

2. Mix the cotton and water in a mediun saucepan.

3.Add the flour and stir over low heat until the dough starts to stiffen. This takes about 5-7 minutes.

4. Remove the clay and allow it to cool on some newspaper.

5. When it's cool, you are ready to sculpt. It takes at least 24 hours to dry depending on the thickness of your creation.


After it's dry!


  1. That's awesome. Will have to try it.

  2. I am using this on Friday afternoon while we watch Raining with a Chance of Meatballs. I have to make some cookies too. Want the recipe?

    Thank you for stopping by.

    Lyn aka Ducky

    Sits Rocks!

  3. That looks awesome, we may have to try that soon.

  4. My kids are going to love you for this. Well actually they are going to love me. I don't intend on telling them about you. I plan on taking the credit so that they think I'm cool.

  5. I tageed you in the Happy Award :)

  6. Very cute - and what a great idea!!!


  7. This looks like the snowman that lived in my freezer for a week!

  8. Cute, I am going to try this! Thanks so much for the idea.

  9. What a fun craft! I love hands-on projects :)

  10. How neat! We've never made clay with cotton balls either! Thanks for sharing this great idea.

  11. My kids would love this since we don't get snow:)

  12. I want, no, I NEED to make this clay! Rock on awesome!

  13. What a neat craft! Thanks for sharing.


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