Monday, January 11, 2010

The Ebay Shopper!

Over the past few years, my hubby has become quite an Ebay shopper. Sometimes, he just browses and other times he is very serious about something and stays on top of an item until he gets it. After checking his email and bank account, he always visits Ebay to see if there is anything interesting for him to buy. Yesterday, while checking his account, he discovered that on the previous day, there was a purchase made. He knew he did not make the purchase, so naturally he came to me. No, not me! Time to interrogate the kids! So, he started at the top. Michael? Nope! Brandon?! Aaron? Wrong again! Felicia? No Daddy!......Madelyn? Oh yeah!

Our sweet, innocent(four year old) Madelyn bought one of her most favorite things on Earth! A new Pez Dispenser! As soon as Mike showed her the picture of it, her eyes lit up! She recognized it! "I saw that yesterday!"  Hehehe!

So, we learned a valuable lesson here, always log out of your account when you are finished! Hey, at least she didn't buy a car or something else that was expensive!


  1. oh my goodness, that's hilarious! maybe not to you and hubby just yet, but one day it will be LOL! :-)

  2. oh, that is too funny! I can so see my 4 yr old doing that!! Hope it wasn't too expensive.

  3. That's funny!!
    Yes, good thing it wasn't a car or something!

  4. OMG! I can relate to being addicted to Ebay. My best friend used to be so addicted that almost her entire wedding was done with things she purchased off of Ebay. Hopefully your little situation does turn into that kind of BIG situation. :)

  5. Hahaha! Start 'em young!

  6. Oh my gosh, that's wild! Too funny!

  7. Haha yay for early shoppers. Thanks for the welcome the other day, it made me smile.

  8. OMG!! That is so funny! Very good on the computer, Mady!!

  9. LOL!!!! Monkey see, monkey doo!!! Still, it's pretty impressive that she could finish the transaction.

    I love ebay.

  10. Too funny. Thanks for sharing your lesson, hopefully it will avoid an unwanted purchase in our household. So right, it could have been a car...yikes!


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