Monday, January 4, 2010

Madelyn+Muffin Tin Monday

Madelyn has not really been feeling well for a few days now, so she hasn't really wanted to eat anything. But, I promised a Muffin Tin and I planned to deliver. Here are a few of her favorite things and my attempt to get something in her belly.
It worked! She was so happy with her tin that she actually ate! Here she is smiling pretty with her Muffin Tin Lunch!
If you would like to join in on all the Muffin Tin Monday fun, check it out here:
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


  1. Thanks for the SITS welcome! This is such a cute idea. I'm off to look into this muffin tin Monday, my 4 year old would love it!!

  2. Yay! I'm glad that she ate. Everything looks really good.

  3. Hooray! I looks like it was a great tin. I hope she feels better soon.

  4. My little guy has been kinda picky lately and using the muffin tin really does encourage him to eat. Hope she is feeling top notch soon. :)

  5. oh, your sweetie is so precious! what a great tin! the bananas look delish!

  6. Its amazing how these muffin tins make kids want to eat!

  7. Favorite foods are great for muffin tins! What a sweet smile. :)

  8. I most definitely would be happy with that myself!

    I'm hoping you're not feeling much in the way of morning sickness. I'm still so excited for you!

  9. hope shes feeling better soon! Looks like a great lunch!

  10. How Fun! Sorry she isn't feeling well hopefully that lunch did the trick. ;)

  11. She's adorable! And I just love the muffin tin lunch - totally rocks.

  12. Such a great idea. I have a cupcakes tray, I think I should really cook some cupcakes and make them all very different :)

  13. Looks great! I hope Madelyn feels better soon.

  14. Looks good! Hope Madelyn fees better soon!

  15. That looks so yummy - that is one I want to eat!!! Hope she's better now!

  16. Good that she ate. My kids don't even eat when they are healthy! No joke!

  17. What a great idea!! I think my kids would love the muffin cup lunch, but I need to buy some new muffin tins because mine look awful!!


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