Saturday, January 2, 2010

My New Year Starts Today!

You may have noticed that I have been absent for a little while. This was definitely not by choice! Our family celebrated a fabulous Christmas with lots of great family time. It was a very relaxing time and a much needed break for us all. But then.....the nasty stomach bug hit the Adams household! Targeting each and every one of us for a week. Not fun at all! I feel terrible that my kids have been sick almost their entire Christmas break, but on the other hand, they did not have to be absent from school. We spent New Year's Eve at home because I was way to sick to go anywhere. I was actually throwing up as the everyone else was watching the ball drop! (sorry, I know, TMI!) Yesterday I spent the entire day on the couch, to weak to do anything. So, our New Year starts today! Things can only get better from here...right? I hope everyone else had a Happy New Year!


  1. Oh you poor thing!! That was so us last year. Ugh! Drink LOTS of fluids and rest, ok?

    We took all the decorations down today. What an ugly job that is, lol!

  2. Oh, no! But you're right - 2010 will only get better! Wishing you a very happy new year...

  3. What a way to start the year off! Yuck! I hope you feel better quickly!

  4. Oh No!! You got sick too! Hope the whole house is feeling better. May your fun begin!!

    Happy New Year to you too!

  5. Hope you are all feeling better soon. That nasty stomach bug is currently hitting our house as well.

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog:)
    I sure hope you are feeling better.
    Cute blog. I can't wait to see more, Thanks for the follow-I'm following you too.
    Love your layout and design, GREAT JOB feel free to advise me on any improvements, I need all the help I can get-I see to change my blog banner quite a bit but hope I found one that will last :)

  7. Thanks for stopping by and welcoming me! I hope you and your whole family are better soon. Thanks again. Oh, I am a follower now!

  8. That sounds awful! So glad you guys are on the mend!! Happy New Year- thanks for stopping by my blog!

  9. Ouch! That sounds absolutely horrible. I hope you feel better soon... and I am glad to hear everyone is sort of on the mend. :)

    Happy Belated New Year!

    And thank you for the welcome to SITS. I LOVE it! :)

  10. It hit us the week before oldest was the last to get it the Monday before Christmas, luckily he was the last...
    Hope you're up and about normal soon!

  11. Yikes...hope you're feeling a bit better now! Happy New Year!


  12. Thanks for visiting my blog! Hope you're feeling better, and I'm sending my condolances on the loss of your Grammy. Have a blessed 2010!

  13. Oh yuck! We have had colds & a bit of a stomach bug, but nothing as bad as you guys! I am so sorry that your family has been sick! I hope that everyone is feeling better. Have a great 2010!

  14. Hope y'all are on the mend!

  15. Aw, that stinks! Hope you and your family are feeling better and had a wonderful new year in spite of the bug.

  16. Thanks for welcoming me to SITS. I hope that you are all feeling better very soon. Being sick is never any fun.

  17. stopping by from sits! glad you got some fammily time!! we were all sick too(only colds though). hope you're all feeling better! happy new year!

  18. Not a good way to ring in the new year. Glad you're feeling better!

  19. Sorry you had a rough start to the new year and hope you are feeling better today! Happy to visit from SITS!



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