Friday, January 15, 2010

Potato Print Snowman

Even though it has warmed up a bit, we still can't shake this chill. So, snowmen were the plan again for today! This time we used a potato to create our snowy friend.

1. Cut the potato in half. Then, cut a slice off of each end on one of the halves.

2. Dip the half (that does not have the end cut off) in the white paint and print it on a piece of construction paper.

3.Now, do the same with the larger end of the other half.

4.Finally, flip that half over and use the smaller end to make the head of the snowman.

5. The only thing left to do is decorate your snowman. We used crayons and markers, but any materials would be fine.


  1. My grandson is nine and may not think this is to much fun but I think it is so cute that I will be doing it with him this weekend when he visits! Thanks

  2. so cute! and your little one looks darling!

  3. Fun! But I am using my potatoes for dinner today;)

  4. I would have never thought to do that with a potato!!! who knew you could do more than just have mashed

  5. I remember doing these as a kid! Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

  6. Oh potato painting! I haven't done that in awhile!

  7. Just when I think there are no new snowmen projects-I see this! Very cute!!

  8. Love it!! Crafting with kids rocks!!!

  9. We are working on snowmen all week. Such a good idea! Thanks

  10. Cute idea, I'll have to try that one some time this week. Stopping by from SITS (and now following you - hope you can find some time to pop by my blog).

  11. I am totally going to try this with my toddler! I think he would love it.
    Totally awesome idea!

    Happy SITS!

  12. Oh! We used to do that as children, but carving stars etc in the potatoes. Thanks for the reminder, and even as just snowmen, it's really cute!


    I've forgotten all about doing those! My littlest kids are 10 and 11 (a bit past the toddler stage) but I know they would love potato stamps. Heck, I'm nearly 50 and I would love doing potato stamps!

    Thanks for reminding me of a how a good old fashioned simple craft can create such beauty!

    Warmest Regards,

    Denise Burks

  14. How cool! Another great craft idea.

  15. What a great idea! My kids would love this :)


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