Friday, March 19, 2010


Nothing says Rr like a bright and colorful rainbow!

1. I drew the lines of a rainbow as sort of a guide for Madelyn to follow. She didn't exactly stay in the lines, but it did help her to follow the curve of the rainbow.

2. Using her finger dipped in paint, she made fingerprints along the lines. Continuing until she used all of the colors of the rainbow.

3. Then we added an R cut from construction paper.


  1. Love this! I actually have this same thing written down to do next week. :) (although I hadn't thought to put the letter R on it!)

  2. How cute! We are loving your alphabet book - started ours last week and I put a post on my blog about it today. Thanks for posting these!

  3. Very cute - I like the dots on the rainbow! Hannah was working on R at preschool this week! :)

  4. And we were just talking about making a rainbow for letter R at our house. I love how you did this. We'll have to do it too :)

  5. What a cute and fun idea! Love it!

  6. so fun! I can't believe how awesome your ideas are.

  7. That's such a fun idea! We'll have to give it a try :) Thanks for sharing!

  8. Ooh that's pretty! I love this idea, thanks so much for sharing. I'll be linking to this.


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