Monday, July 26, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday-Snack

Sometimes, the girls just beg for their snacks in a muffin tin. So, I bought some individual muffin cups so that it would be easier than bringing out the big tins. They love them! Here is one of the snacks they recently enjoyed. You can find the recipe for the Fruit Dip here.
To participate in Muffin Tin Monday, click the button below!
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


  1. I love the same of your silicone muffin cups - so very cute!

    I love this MTM. The cinnamon pita chips look fantastic!

  2. Very cute!! Your blog looks great. I've been wanting to change mine up and expand it wider like yours.

  3. Looks great!! Did you buy the pita chips or make them?

  4. Cinnamon Sugar Pita chips oh my we need to try those in our house!!!

  5. YUM! That looks fantastic. My girls would love it all (as would I).

  6. Where did you find those chips??? I think I need some! (For me, the kids can have something else, LOL!)

  7. What a yummy snack. I think next time I'm gonna get the muffin cups. Those are totally cute:)

  8. What a wonderful snack. The pita chips look great. I will have to look for them.

  9. I'm starving and that looks delicious! :)

  10. That's almost too pretty to eat!

  11. i love this whole idea of muffin tin munching. very sweet and very clever.

  12. whoah, that is so strange. I just made cinnamon sugar tortiall chips today. great minds think alike I guess.


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