Thursday, September 30, 2010

4 Months and 40 Years

Time sure does fly! Stella is 4 months old today! Do you see that smile? We see it an awful lot! She is so easy going and happy all the time. Last week, she rolled over for the first time. It happened so fast, that I missed getting it on video :0(  So now, I just won't put my camera down! I don't want to miss a single thing!

And, there is someone else celebrating a birthday today. Big Daddy is 40 years old today! Well, he's not really "celebrating", lol! I think he would rather just forget it's his birthday. hehehehehe


  1. Adorable!!

    Happy Birthday to Big Daddy!! :)

  2. Awww...Happy Birthday to both Stella and Big Daddy. Stella is ADORABLE!

  3. She is adorable - and happy birthday to Big Daddy!

  4. Happy Birthday to your Prince Charming!!! And that Stella is getting so big, so fast!!! Lovely smile and I'm happy she's such a good baby for you!

    Sorry for not visiting more - I'm sooo behind on everything bloggy!


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