Monday, January 24, 2011


The never ending laundry pile.
  • It was -5 degrees this morning when I woke up.
  • I bundled Felicia up in so many layers that she could barely move and sent her off to school.
  • Hubby called the repair man to come fix my dryer because our laundry pile is rapidly growing.(see photo above)
  • An hour after we sent Felicia to school they dismissed due to a power outage. We got the call 12 minutes after school was already dismissed. Luckily, hubby found out before the school called and went to pick her up. 
  • Just as I finished lessons with Madelyn, I hopped on Facebook only to hear that there was a lock down at Brandon's school. Reports of a student with a gun. Hubby called the school and it was confirmed, only to find out later that the students were all told that NO weapons were involved. huh? Tell that to the person answering the phones, because apparently she didn't get the memo.
  • After all of my kids were safely home from school, hubby went to the store with my list of things I needed for dinner, minus one very important ingredient. So, back to the store he went. 
  • Finally this Monday has come to an end, but guess what, the dryer repair man never showed up. Crap!
Let's just hope that tomorrow goes a little more smoothly and less eventful than today!

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