Monday, February 14, 2011

Sorting Through the Loot

I always loved Valentine's Day when I was a little girl. When I picked Felicia up at school, she came out with a big bag of goodies and was grinning from ear to ear. She loves it too! She made sure to share her goodies with all of us and even saved me some Fun Dip! I love that sugary junk!

So, how was your Valentine's Day?


  1. We had a great day too - but the kids have waaaay too much sugar now!! :)

  2. I've started a new rule with all the candy from school parties: they have 3 days and then it's gone!
    Aside from that, I had a nice day with hubby & my hair disaster!

    Following you from SITS!

  3. Not as good as it was when I was little and those little Valentines meant the world to me!!

  4. Yummy! What fun! My oldest told me that 5th graders are too old for Valentine's Day, so they didn't have a party at school. No candy to raid for me :(

  5. I was surprised at how much loot the kids got!
    My VDay was off the hook!


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