Monday, March 21, 2011

Footprint Ducklings

Things are still getting back to normal around here from our busy week and weekend so I thought I would share another one of our favorite projects from Just For Fun. We'll be back to work tomorrow!
1. My favorite part, paint your child's foot with yellow paint.

2. Stamp them on a piece of construction paper.

3. We did this two times per paper.

4. Fill in the details, such as, grass, feet, beaks, and even clouds or flowers.

5. There you have it! Some cute little ducklings made with your feet:0)


  1. I remember this craft from your old blog - so cute!

  2. I love all of your different foot and hand print ideas. They are all so cute!

  3. Just about the cutest thing ever!

  4. This is such a sweet idea. I am going to have to try this out if my CK will be still long enough! Thanks for sharing!!

  5. Cutest footprint craft ever!! I can't wait to do this with my boys adorable little feet :)

  6. Did this this morning with my 4 year old and one year old and it came out fantastic. So sweet! Thank you!

  7. wahhh.. My nieces are coming over and I'm sure they'd love this activity! =D love it!!


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