Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The End Is Near

The end of school that is! These last few weeks are jam packed with activities and events to wrap up the school year. Felicia’s class recently took a trip to the Hershey Zoo and Chocolate world.
Tomorrow her class will be hosting an Author’s Tea.  We are very excited to attend! She has one more field trip coming up as well, a trip to Knoebels for the school picnic and soon summer vacation will be here!  It’s a little bittersweet for her. She loves school, but she can’t wait for summer fun!
Michael, Brandon, and Aaron are also wrapping up their school work. They can’t wait for the days when I stop waking them up to get busy with school.
Madelyn is thrilled to be finishing up her K4 work, because that means she is one step closer to Kindergarten! I think she would completely skip summer vacation if she could!  She’ll be done with school by the end of this week!
For me, I’m glad school is almost out! I can’t wait for the lazy days of summer. Taking spontaneous trips to the lake for a picnic, late night ice cream runs, and bedtimes pushed back so we can catch fireflies and play flashlight tag. Bring it on! I’m ready!


  1. I'm ready too! Can't wait for warm sunny skies.

  2. Can't believe it's that time of the year already! Hannah starts Kindergarten in September!

  3. She is so cute, summers are always fun. I get to spend more time with my older grand children.


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