Thursday, August 25, 2011

No First Day Jitters Here!


There is something about the first day of school that makes these girls wake up so happy and without complaints. Let’s just hope it stays that way!  Madelyn is a brand new kindergartener and Felicia is starting second grade. The boys of course, do not have a first day picture because , “Geez Mom, that’s LAME!”. That’s okay, because I am pretty sure I felt that same way when I was a teenager.

I hope they all have a great day at school and I can’t wait to pick them up and hear all about it!  Smile

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday-First Treatment

*Thanks to my friend Jeanette for the “Fight Like a Girl” shirt.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Recycled Crayons

Every year at back to school time, we replenish all of our crayons with new ones. However, we don’t just toss the old crayons. We recycle them into new crayons that are perfect for toddlers!
First, you need to peel and sort your old broken crayons and put them in a muffin tin.
Next, place the muffin tin in a 265 degree oven and bake for about 8-10 minutes. (or until just melted)
Remove then pan from the oven and allow the crayons to cool and harden. To make it easier to get the crayons out, I put them in the freezer for about 30 minutes or so. Then, just pop them out and color!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Test Results

I had an appointment today with my entire cancer team to go over the results of the PET scan and an additional biopsy that I had done last week. The PET scan showed NO additional areas of concern and the biopsy was benign. So, at least that's some good news! Everything looks good for starting treatment next week. Again, thanks for all the awesome support!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Quick Update

I just wanted give you all a quick update at where things stand for me right now. This past Monday, I had a PET scan to see if my cancer has spread to any other areas of my body. Yesterday, I had a mediport implanted so that I am ready to start chemo as soon as the doctors are ready. I'll be meeting with my cancer team on Monday, so I should have a better idea of things to come then. I'm ready to get the ball rolling! 

As for how I'm feeling, I feel pretty good! I realize that the journey I am about embark on is not going to be an easy one, I have faith that everything will be fine in the end. I refuse to live my life consumed with worry, doubt, and fear. Living in fear, is not really living if you ask me! 

Thanks for all of your prayers and encouragement!  :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My Diagnosis

Today, the day finally came for me to face my diagnosis. The results are positive, I do in fact have breast cancer. Honestly, it was not really a surprise to me, I just had a feeling. I'm relieved to finally have an answer and I am ready to move forward with treatment. Your prayers and support have made things so much easier for me and I am forever grateful to have such good friends. Thank you!