Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Getting Wiggy With It

So, one of the not so fun things about having cancer is the fact that you may lose your hair. Now, I had some pretty long hair before learning that I had cancer and eventually I shortened it a bit to ease myself into total hair loss gradually. Finally when I started losing it rapidly I handed hubby the clippers and he shaved the rest off. Now, I still have some stubble, and some areas actually appear to be growing, but not enough to make me not want to wear a wig. So, my dear sister in law came to my rescue and bought me a gorgeous wig. I have gotten so many compliments on how beautiful my hair is. During my second chemo treatment, a women came up to me and told me how lucky I was to still have my hair because by her second treatment her hair was all gone. Imagine her surprise when I told her I had shaved my head the previous week. She was stunned and I was digging it. I may have even declared that I was never going to grow hair again. Wigs are just so much easier to do!
That is until….the tragic cooking mishap. I love to cook, so when I am feeling up to it, I do it often. On one day in particular, I was not feeling up to it and I had food sent to me from a fellow church member (my church is awesome BTW), anyway, It was a chicken pot pie and I was being impatient waiting for the crust to get brown. My genius idea, put it under the broiler for a few minutes. Normally this works out just fine for me (when I’m not wearing an apparently highly flammable cranial prosthesis on my head) however this time, not so good. The crust was beautiful, my hair was NOT! Now, I wish that I had a picture of this debacle to share with you because I have gotten a few laughs out of it myself, but sadly, for some reason I didn’t take one. But I have learned a valuable lesson…Don’t cook with your wig on or get someone else to do it for you (like my eldest son is doing this very minute).
Although I don’t have my melted wig any longer, Here is a picture of me and my NEW hair:029
I love it!


  1. I love it!

    And your cooking story is too funny - and I am so glad you weren't hurt (other than your pride!!). :)

  2. You look great!

    That is too bad about the first wig. Glad you weren't hurt!

  3. Oh, your wig looks so nice! My wig was horrible looking, and so I never wore it. I should have shopped around until I found what I liked instead of buying the first wig I tried on. Live and learn!

  4. Gorgeous!!! I'm so happy for you!

    I have two small suitcases of hair pieces. LOVE 'EM!!! And you're right, so much easier to do your hair and people can't tell!!!!

  5. You look gorgeous!!
    Happy SITS day!!

  6. Good on you for being able to laugh at the loss of your beautiful wig! I think the new one looks fabulous. Popping over to wish you a happy SITS day.

  7. You look great! Not only would I not have thought that was a wig, I also wouldn't think you're in the middle of fighting cancer. You're obviously doing it with style; looking forward to reading more of your posts.

  8. Love that you're smiling through it all! Happy SITS Day :)

  9. It's a great story. I'm glad you're able to laugh at it.

  10. This is funny. Note to self dont wear a wig as I am sure it is something that would happen to me

  11. Oh my goodness! How did you catch it on fire? I was waiting for that part!

  12. Your fun and positive attitude, and the fact that you have six kids to take care of, is amazing to me. You're such an inspiration and a fun read too!

  13. The new wig looks fabulous as is your sense of humor ~ the best way to get through life ... looking fabulous while laughing! Wishing you the very best ~ Patricia

  14. That is a great wig on you! Keep on seeing the humor in things, you are an inspiration!

  15. I've actually done that to my real bangs - just frizzled them. Love your ability to laugh at yourself - laughter is as a medicine!!

  16. You look beautiful!

    My husband remembers when my mom had cancer and her wigs.

  17. I can honestly say I'd never even think about cooking in wig to be so dangerous. Clearly you are here to warn us all in case we ever decide to do such a thing.


    ~Happy SITS day!!

  18. Wow, that is something I never thought about- wigs being flammable! Well, your new one looks great! I certainly would not know it was a wig. Happy SITS day!

  19. I feel the same way about taking pictures...I only remember about it when the moment has passed! Sheesh.

    Echoing the congratulations: Happy SITS Day!

    (By the way, you're so inspiring.)

  20. You look beautiful and that's a funny story. FYI, my 9 year old daughter took a hot comb to her barbie doll and burned most of the hair off! Apparently she didn't realize that wasn't supposed to happen.

  21. It looks great! Luckily I didn't lose my hair with the chemo treatments I had to go through with my skin cancer, but you have to find fun in things like this! So glad you did!

  22. You look gorgeous. :-)

    And and at least it was just the wig that got burned.

  23. Oh, my gosh! How scary that must have been!!!

    Well, you're lookin' good, now, girl, which is sooo important, yes? :-D

  24. Looks great!! We went wig shopping with my mom this week and had a blast. I am thinking about shaving my head and donating my long hair I have now. Not sure how my husband will handle that... but it would be so much easier to style a wig than it is my own hair.. haha.

  25. I like that you can find the humor in it...After all laughter is the best medicine right. I'm sure some days it's easier said than done. Wishing you the very best! Happy SITS!

  26. I love that you blog about your wig. It takes some courage to share such personal things. Thank you for sharing. I am a bit behind on SITS so happy belated day.


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