Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Goal of the Week-More Water

Last week I started working toward some goals that I would like to reach. The main one, living a more healthy life! My goal for the week was to drink more water. This may seem pretty simple, but I am a Diet Pepsi addict! The first few days were rough! Not having large amounts of caffeine in my system made me grouchy and the headaches...not cool! After getting over the initial shock to my system, I am proud to say that I have had nothing to drink but water! 

Goal of the week: Get moving! I need to get up out of my chair and stop being so lazy!

I've actually started working on this goal! I want to be more active for my kids AND with my kids! We've been shaking our booties playing Just Dance. Making a fool of myself is quite fun! ;)


  1. This is a great goal! So how to you remember to drink water. I got one of those water bottles that helps you keep track of how many times you fill it up. But it will be afternoon before I fill it up for the second time. Any tips?

    1. This is one of the things I struggle with as well. I start the day with drinking 8oz. and refill when I give Stella morning snack, lunch, and again at afternoon snack, dinner, and before bed. Lately, I've been filling up in between as well.

  2. Me too!! Making fruit and herb infused water after I go grocery shopping on Friday!!

  3. I am trying to do this as well! How has it been the past few days? I judge it by how much I have to go potty! :-)

    1. It's actually been going great! I feel good!

  4. Oh!! I know I need to do this! My doc keeps talking to me about my sugar but do I listen...of course not. Good luck!!

    1. You can do it, Vickie! I drank almost 2 liters of Diet Pepsi a day! I feel so much better for kicking that habit!


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