Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Kindergarten Bound

I can't even believe it, but it's true. Stella will be turning five at the end of next month and starting Kindergarten in the fall. She was registered a few weeks ago and is very excited to start, me...not so much! She's my BABY! I'm pretty sure I'll be sobbing like a baby the first day of school! 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Springing to Life

I feel like I have just awakened from hibernation. 
Our winter was rough. 
Although, I don't think it was any worse than any other winters, I just think I am getting too old to deal with it. 
I need green grass, flowers, and sunshine to make me feel alive!
So yes, I am ALIVE and WELL and ready to return to life...and blogging.

See you soon!